Professor Joe Cummins

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Proffessor Joe Cummins

Biographical Sketch: I am Professor Emeritus of Genetics , University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. I was born in Whitefish , Montana Feb. 5, 1933. I obtained a BS degree in Horticulture, Washington State University 1955 and a PhD degree in Cellular Biology from University of Wisconsin 1962. My postdoctoral work was at Edinburgh , Palermo, Stockholm (Karolinska) and the Macardle Laboratory for Cancer Research University of Wisconsin. I taught genetics at Rutgers and the University of Washington, Seattle before joining The University of Western Ontario in 1972. My involvement in environmental issues arose in 1968 and I have been involved in a range of issues involving mercury, asbestos and PCB pollution and pesticide pollution along with waste sites and incinerators. My criticism of genetic modification by genetic engineering beginning in 1988 when I encountered the power of multinational corporations over the federal government and their refusal to face serious risk evaluations. I have published over 200 scientific and popular articles, my most recent papers appeared in Nature Biotechnology, The Ecologist, and Biotechnology and Development Review. I have a number of reviews and comments listed on the website of The Institute of Science in Society, PO Box 32097, London NW1 OXR UK












Various Papers

Biosafety for Molecular Farming

An Overlooked French Terminator ( French Version : Click Here )

Genetically modified microbes are widely deployed in North America

GM viruses as biopesticides ( French Version : Click Here )

Release of pharmaceutical proteins from modified plants to hydroponic solutions and to groundwater

Rice with human genes: pharming in California

Promoting unsafe biopharming in Canada both at home and in the third world ( French Version : Click Here )

Transgenic Wheat; Born to Pollute ( French Version : Click Here )

VIP3A is a new Bt toxin looming over out food

No Bt Reistance? ( French Version : Click Here )

Pharm Crops for Vaccines and Therapeutic Antibodies - ISIS press release ( French Version : Click Here ) Web
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