Biographical Sketch: I
am Professor Emeritus of Genetics , University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario. I was born in Whitefish , Montana Feb. 5, 1933. I obtained
a BS degree in Horticulture, Washington State University 1955 and a
PhD degree in Cellular Biology from University of Wisconsin 1962. My
postdoctoral work was at Edinburgh , Palermo, Stockholm (Karolinska)
and the Macardle Laboratory for Cancer Research University of Wisconsin.
I taught genetics at Rutgers and the University of Washington, Seattle
before joining The University of Western Ontario in 1972. My involvement
in environmental issues arose in 1968 and I have been involved in a
range of issues involving mercury, asbestos and PCB pollution and pesticide
pollution along with waste sites and incinerators. My criticism of genetic
modification by genetic engineering beginning in 1988 when I encountered
the power of multinational corporations over the federal government
and their refusal to face serious risk evaluations. I have published
over 200 scientific and popular articles, my most recent papers appeared
in Nature Biotechnology, The Ecologist, and Biotechnology and Development
Review. I have a number of reviews and comments listed on the website
of The Institute of Science in Society, PO Box 32097, London NW1 OXR