The Independent Science Panel (ISP) is a panel of scientists from many disciplines, committed to the Promotion of Science for the Public Good. Read our statement here
Dream Farm - Did you miss the conference??
How to turn "wastes" into energy and resources for local self-sufficiency. Get set for a post fossil fuel economy!
Are such farms the answer for feeding the developed world now faced with a looming energy crisis and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate global warming?
Which Energy? - Parliament Launch of ISIS 2006 Energy Report
Global warming is accelerating towards the point of no return while fossil fuels are fast depleting. Time and energy resources are both running out. This Report brings together the science, ethics, economics, safety and politics of available energy options to help us make the right choices for a cleaner, greener, healthier, wealthier and more fulfilling life without fossil fuels.
ISP Reply to Canadian Food Inspection Agency
On 27 November 2005, Dr. Mae-Wan Ho wrote to a number of national and international agencies on behalf of the Independent Science Panel [1] regarding the powerful immune response in test animals fed genetically modified (GM) peas, demanding a ban on all GM food and feed until proper assessment on the immunogenicity of all transgenic proteins has been carried out.
Field-Testing a DNA Canine Melanoma Vaccine
A proposal that uses �confidential business information� to conceal the most critical aspects with regard to safety while dismissing genuine safety concerns
Immune Reactions to Transgenic Protein Serious
Independent Scientists Demand A Ban on GM Food & Feed while All GM Crops Are Tested.The following memo and report were sent to international and national regulators on behalf of the Independent Science Panel.
Why Not Transgenic High Lysine Maize
Monsanto Corporation has created a transgenic maize line that produces high levels of the essential amino-acid lysine and is seeking non-regulated status for it in the United States. Professor Joe Cummins explains why it is a non-starter.
Deregulation of Glyphosate Tolerant Creeping Bentgrass Out of Question
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) received a petition 03-104-01p from Monsanto company and Scotts company on 14 April 2003 requesting deregulation of creeping bent grass genetically modified for tolerance to the herbicide glyphosate. You can submit your comments before the 11th November 2005.
Zambia Stance On GMO Food Hailed Wisdom Mdzungairi
INTERNATIONAL scientists, including those from the United States, have praised Zimbabwe and Zambia for rejecting genetically-modified food donations from the West to feed scores of their rural folk facing drought-induced food shortages.
No to Releases of Transgenic Plants with Antimicrobial Peptides
This article has been submitted on behalf of the Independent Science Panel to the Niigata Prefecture in Japan, in support of legal action taken by 12 Japanese citizens seeking to halt the trial of transgenic rice producing antimicrobial peptides. Please circulate widely and send to your elected representatives.
Letter to Hamdallah Zedan
Genetic Use Restriction Technologies Should be Eliminated and Use of Public Funds to Develop Use Restriction Technologies Should be Prevented
Add your signature to show your endorsement of this report here
Did You Miss the Launch?
Or perhaps you didn't catch all the lectures; don't worry there are audio, video and printed presentations from the ISP launch conference available in the ISP online store.
Press Archives
Read what the press have said about our events here.