Endorsement of the ISP report

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Who's on the ISP

Read who is a member on the ISP. Read More

Articles by the ISP

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Campaigns of the
1. Sustainable World
2. ISP-FP7
3. ISP Report

The ISP was officialy launched on 10th May 2003 with the release of a 136 page report entitled ' The Case for a GM-free Sustainable World '. An executive summary is available here, aswell as a series of quotes from members of the panel if you have not already read the report.

1. Firstname
2. Surname / family name
3. Country
4a. Are you a scientist?
b. If you answered yes to part a above, please give details (field, affiliation, qualifications etc)
5. Email address
6. Would you like to receive regular updates from ISP?

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© 2003 Independent Science Panel