ISP Online Store

The Independent Science Panel (ISP) is a panel of scientists from many disciplines, committed to the Promotion of Science for the Public Good. Read our statement here

Who's on the ISP

Read who is a member on the ISP. Read More

Articles by the ISP

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Campaigns of the
1. Sustainable World
2. ISP-FP7
3. ISP Report

The Case for A GM-Free Sustainable World

Read the real evidence from the newly constituted Independent Science Panel. 136 pages. Out Now!more



En defensa de un mundo sustentable sin transg�nicos

This book is the Spanish Translation of our report ' The case for a GM-Free sustainable world ' , and is an excellent insight into the perils of GM technology.more



En Defesa De Um Mundo Susten�vel Sem Transg�nicos

This book is the Portuguese Translation of our report ' The case for a GM-Free sustainable world ' , and is an excellent insight into the perils of GM technology.more



GM crops, do we need them? are they safe? (CD)

3 CD audio recording of this momentous conference. Featuring lectures by David Bellamy, Arpad Pusztai, Stanley Ewen, Vyvyan Howard, Brian John and Mae-Wan Homore



GM crops, do we need them? are they safe? (cassette)

2 cassette audio recording of this momentous conference. Featuring lectures by David Bellamy, Arpad Pusztai, Stanley Ewen, Vyvyan Howard, Brian John and Mae-Wan Homore



GM crops, do we need them? are they safe? (DVD Pal Only)

1 DVD recording of this momentous conference. Featuring lectures by David Bellamy, Arpad Pusztai, Stanley Ewen, Vyvyan Howard, Brian John and Mae-Wan Ho. 6 hours of footagemore



ISP Special Parliamentary Briefing 29/04/2004 Audio CDs (2 CDs)

Michael Meacher supported the ISP in their call for an extended enquiry into GM safety, transparency and independance in scientific research, and an end to the victimisation of scientists whose research findings are 'inconvienient' for industry. All of the speakers feature on the Audio CD's.more



Winning the GM Debate

Prominent scientists representing more than a thousand collegues around the world voiced their deep concerns at the lack of social accountability of publicly funded science, especially in genetically modified (GM) Crops.This CD-Rom contains the recording of the live webcast of the event on the 19th January 2004.more



Keep Europe GM Free Badge

Help promote awareness with this highly visible badge. Goes well with all outfits!!more



Keep Europe GM-Free!!

Farmers' and organic producers' representatives and politicians are to join an international panel of independent scientists to call on Europe to ban all environmental releases of genetically modified (GM) crops and instead to promote and adopt sustainable agricultural practices as a matter of urgency. more



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© 2003 Independent Science Panel