The text and powerpoints from some of these talks are available here.
A set of Audio CD's of the talk are available
Keep Europe GM-Free!
Science for a GM Free Sustainable Europe
Conference hosted by Jill Evans MEP
Date: 20 October, 2004
Time: 13.30h to 16.30h
Location: European Parliament, Brussels (Room Number A1G2)
13.30 Jill Evans MEP and Dr. Felix Prinz zu Löwenstein
Welcome and Introduction Text - Dr. Felix Prinz zu Löwenstein |
13.40 Dr. Mae-Wan Ho Director, Institute of Science in Society, UK
Life after Genetic Engineering Nightmare
Text and Powerpoint Presentation and Text (French Version) |
13.55 Sue Edwards
Director, Institute of Sustainable Development, Ethiopia
Greening Ethiopia
Text and Powerpoint Presentation |
14.10 Prof. Peter Saunders
Professor of Applied Mathematics, King's College, London, UK
Feeding the World under Climate Change
Text |
14.25 Michael Meacher, MP
Member of Parliament, UK
Science for a Sustainable Europe Text |
14.40 Tea Break
15.00 Prof. Bob Orskov
International Feed Resources Unit, Aberdeen, Scotland
Potential for Agroforestry for Europe based on Asian experiences
Text and Powerpoint Presentation |
15.15 Dr. Beatrix Tappeser
Head of Division, GMO-Regulation, Biosafety , Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Germany
GM-Free Zones Powerpoint Presentation |
15.30 José Bové
Confédération Paysanne and European Farmers Coordination
GM-Free Europe! |
15.45 General Discussion
16.30 Close
Organised by the Institute for Science in Society, the Independent Science Panel, GM Free Cymru and Third World Network