ISP was launched earlier this year with the release
of a report named 'The Case for a GM-free Sustainable World' and a day conference 'GM Crops: Do We Need Them? Are They Safe?'
The text and powerpoints from some of these conference talks are available
here. Audio casettes, CDs (audio only) and VHS videotapes of the day are also
available - please see the ISP online store.
ISP Launch 2003
GM Crops: Do We Need Them? Are They Safe?
May 10, 2003 Franklin-Wilkins Building, Auditorium B5, King's College, Waterloo, London
 13:30 Welcome and Introduction Peter Saunders (with Michael Meacher)
Professor of Applied Mathematics, Kings College, London Why an Independent Science Panel?
13:40 David Bellamy OBE Botanist, Broadcaster, writer and campaigner for Mother Earth "Ah! How terrible is knowledge to the man whom knowledge profits not", Tiresias, circa 500BC
14:10 Arpad Pusztai
Private consultant; formerly Rowett Research Institute, Scotland What can Science Say on the Safety of GM Foods?
14:40 Stanley Ewen
Consultant Histopathologist, Grampian University Hospitals Trust Eating Growth Factors? No Thanks
15:10 Malcolm Hooper Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Sunderland
Eating Pesticides too, with GM Foods
15:40 Tea break
16:00 Gundula Azeez Policy Manager, Soil Association Can GM Co-exist with Non-GM?
16:30 Vyvyan Howard Toxico-pathologist, University of Liverpool Anti-Precautionary Risk Assessment
17:00 Brian John Geomorphologist, environmental scientist and part of coordinating group, GM Free Cymru Fit for Public Consumption?
17:30 Mae-Wan Ho Director, Institute of Science in Society A Time and a Place for Gene Transfer
18:00 General Discussion
18:30 Close
Sponsored by The Ecologist, Institute of Science in Society, Scientists for Global Responsibility, The Soil Association, Third World Network and GM Free Cymru