The text and powerpoints from some of these talks are available here.
A CD rom of the briefing will be available shortly.
The event was webcast, a selection of articles are on this site. see
the webcast of the briefing
The event was reported in the press. more
' Winning the GM Debate '
Date: January 19th , 2004
Location: Assembly Chamber, City Hall, London SE1 2AA
Noel Lynch
Green Party Member of the London Assembly
Prof. Peter Saunders
Professor of Applied Mathematics, Kings College, London
Science & Precaution
Dr. Vyvyan Howard
Toxico-pathologist, University of Liverpool
Anti-Precautionary Risk Assessment
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
Director, Institute of Science in Society
GM Inherently Unsafe
Dr. Arpad Pusztai
Private consultant; formerly Rowett Research Institute, Scotland
What GM Feeding Trials Reveal
Dr. Eva Novotny
Scientists for Global Responsibility(SGR)
Winners and Losers in the GM debate
Prof. Joe Cummins
Professor Emeritus of Genetics, University of Western Ontario, London , Canada
Winners and Losers in the GM debate
John Turner
FARM , The Independant Voice of Farmers
Text of talk available soon
Sponsored by The Ecologist, Institute of Science in Society, Scientists
for Global Responsibility, The Soil Association, Third World Network and GM
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