An overlooked French terminator

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“An overlooked French terminator”


A great deal has been discussed about “terminator” genes that limit seed production in patented transgenic crops. Most of that discussion has focused on the USDA -Delta and Pineland patent of more current exploratory systems such as the five developed by Syngenta and some experimental systems (1,2,3,4) . The discussion, of which I am aware, has not included the terminator system developed in France by Groupe Limagrain a collection of biotechnology research and development companies with the exception of a report from genewatch(5). The terminator system developed and field tested in France consists of a human gene destroying the seeds carbohydrate reserve or a dog gene eliminating lipid seed reserve. The cogent features of the patent are first the dog lipse gene or human amylase gene set to digest seed storage lipid or carbohydrate, one or the other of these genes are used and are regulated by promoter gene ,pCRU, from radish cruciferase (a seed storage protein active in early seed germination). The pCRU promter limits the activity of the stored energy destroying enzyme to early seed germination. Along with the promoter cell compartment localization peptide ( the short peptide signal from sweet potato sporamin A gene, localizing the enzyme to a vacuole address)and a trascription termination signal for the gene message. The system has been tested in maize, oil rapeseed (canola) and tobacco in France(5.6). The system causes the energy reserves in the seeds to be destroyed when the seed lands on the soil. The harvested seed is treated to prevent the energy reserve system from acting. Patent WO09952344 describes the terminator system but appears to leave the system for inactivating the enzymes that eliminate the energy reserves in the harvested seed out of the patent document(7). A recent patent filed by members of the Limagrain group focused on production of dog and human gastric lipase for use in medical treatment and use of the lipase enzyme in food processing but did not deal with the terminator application (8).

As I understand the system ,pollen that escapes from the fields of GM corn or GM oil rapeseed is capable of pollinating neighboring fields of maize or oilseed rape but the pollinated crops will produce seed that withers. I have wondered why the Limagrain terminator and its field tests have not been discussed extensively among European Union (EU) countries. Producing food containing genes from dog or human seems like a topic worthy of debate Pollen that attacks and destroy neighbors crops may only means that “survival of the patented “ is the law of the biotechnology jungle?

Limagrain has also produced plant based recombinant dog gastric lipase targeted for vacuole or excretion (dog gastric lipase is an alternative terminator gene when targeted to seed endosperm) for treatment of pancreatic insufficiency(9,10). Pancreatic insufficiency is associated with alcoholic pancreatitis and cystic fibrosis(11).

France appears to be unique among EU countries in testing a large number plant based biopharmaceutical transgenic crops along with the novel terminator concept. The extensive field testing of transgenic biopharmaceutical crops does not appear to have been acknowledged by the public.

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