The bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), has proven to be a rich source
of toxins for killing insect pests. Most of the toxin genes now being used
in genetic engineering are produced in sporulating Bt, these genes are designated
Cry 1, Cry 2 etc. up to at least Cry 41. The Cry genes are further designated
Cry 1 A, Cry 1 B etc. for sequence variations in the gene and protein toxin,
then further refined to Cry 1 Aa etc. for very small differences in sequence(1).
The Cry gene toxins target specific insect cell receptor proteins and create
pores that lead to osmotic lysis of the insect gut cells. Only a few Cry
genes have found favor in genetically modified (GM) crops. Along with the
Cry genes Cyt genes have been characterized that are genetically distinct
from Cry genes and act by hemolysis of the insect blood cells(2). In recent
years vegetative insecticidal proteins (VIP) have been found to have potent
broad spectrum activity against insects (3). VIP genes are not homologous
to Cry and Cyt genes and bind to cell membrane proteins different from the
other toxins (4,5).
Syngenta corporation, producers of chemical and biological pesticides,
has patented the VIP genes for use in transgenic crop plants and microbes
(6). Syngenta United states patent 6,429,360 covers the use of Bt VIP genes
and their synthesis and alteration to improve performance in crop plants.
The Syngenta patent provided evidence that VIP3 A toxin produced apoptotic
type of cell death, including a series of cytological changes including
production of membrane bound apoptotic bodies and activate endonuclease
enzymes that cleave chromatin into discrete fragments. Apoptosis (meaning
petals falling from a flower) is a form of programmed cell death common
to all cells with discrete nuclei. Apoptosis is a part of normal development
of organisms but the VIP3A toxin uses programmed cell death to destroy the
cells of the insect gut. In order to function fully in the plant cells the
Bt VIP3A gene is modified in its coding sequence and by the addition of
a strong promoter, an intron to facilitate transfer of the pre-messenger
RNA from nucleus to cytoplasm and transcription terminator and polyA addition
sequences. The insect VIP3A receptor was identified and its characteristic
“death” recognition sequence was characterized. Organisms whose
cells have nuclei generally have receptors with death signals and the insect
VIP3A receptor is a unique member of the class of sequences.
Syngenta has petitioned the United States Environmental protection Agency
(EPA) for commercial release of event COT102 cotton containing a synthetic
VIPA3 gene (7). Presumably corn containing the VIP3A gene will be proposed
for commercial release. The EPA report of the Syngenta petition for tolerance
in or near food (7) reported that the VIPA3 toxin was homologous to the
VIP3A toxin in numerous Bt strains . However, the petition failed to mention
the numerous change in DNA sequence including promoter, introns , terminator
and polyA signal. Many changes in the code for the VIPA3 toxin were reported
in the Syngenta patent for VIP genes. Mammalian acute toxicity studies were
done using the VIPA3 toxin produced in bacteria not the toxin produced in
modified corn or cotton. The VIPA3 toxin in cotton is assumed to be substantially
equivalent to the toxin produced in bacteria but , as in the case of most
other commercial Bt cry toxins, the toxin protein is allowed to diverge
significantly from the bacterial toxin so long as the protein remains active
against insect cells and is immunologically similar to the toxin produced
in cotton.. The toxin tested by Syngenta showed no overt acute toxicity
and there was no indication that it was allergenic. Sequence analysis showed
no overt similarity to known toxins The practice of putting forward Bt toxins
produced in bacteria as equivalent to the Bt toxins produced in crops was
discussed earlier (8). The practice is unsound and should, at least, be
made very clear in the government announcements on the safety testing of
GM crops bearing genes for Bt toxins.
The EPA report notes ”Once in the insect gut, the VIPA3 protein binds
to specific receptors (different from those by Cry 1A proteins) and forms
ion specific pores.” There was no discussion, in the EPA report (7)
of the apoptosis and binding to death sequences receptors mentioned in the
Syngenta patent (6). Indeed, the claim that the VIP3A toxin had no obvious
homology to mammalian toxins seems to have ignored the relative homology
of apoptosis receptor death sequences. The difference in fundamental processes
between the Syngenta patent (6) and the EPA report (7) is perplexing because
the patent document was well supported with experiments while the EPA report
provided little scientific evidence for its claims.
In conclusion, the Bt toxins of the VIP gene family provide potent broad
spectrum insect control. The toxins have been reported to act by binding
to death sequences and triggering apoptosis in insect cells. The potential
impact of such toxins on the receptors and death sequences in mammalian
cells should be fully evaluated before GM crops bearing the toxins enter
the mammalian food chain.
References are available on request , please state the name of the paper