Articles by The Independent Science Panel |
The Independent Science Panel (ISP) is a panel of scientists from many disciplines, committed to the Promotion of Science for the Public Good. Read our statement here |
- Acres USA interview Dr.Mae Wan Ho 22.11.04 (Read more)
- Philippine farmers blame GM corn for sickness 25.10.04 (Read more)
- Ministers Ignored the public's fears over GM crops - Daily
Mail article (Read more)
- Harvest of the Damned - Daily Mail article (Read more)
- GM Food & Feed Not Fit for "Man or Beast" (Read
- More Press form the First Meeting of the Parties to the Cartegena Biodafety
(Genetic Dance of Life)(Weeding
out Deception)(An eye on GM infiltration)
- Austria Raises Hell over GM Safety (Read
- Evening Standard Interview with Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
(Read more)
- Vital Health Publishing Release GMO-Free , the second release of the ISP report (Read
- GM Scandal , The fight against genetically modified crops
affects all of us (Read
- GM Inherently Unsafe, Report of the ISP Briefing January
2004 (Read more)
- Approving GM crops is Abusing Science (Read
- Emerging Partnership : Monsanto & Gates , For whose benefit???(Read
- Defending nature is not anti-science - article in The Guardian by Eva Novotn(Read
- Read what other people think of the Report (Read
- Read quotes from the panel (Read more)