ISP News
Meacher Calls for Enquiry into GM Safety
Michael Meacher joined the ISP to call for an extended
enquiry into GM safety, transparency and independence in
scientific research, and an end to the victimisation of
scientists whose research findings are
'inconvenient' for industry. Lim Li Ching
reports The ISP had its day in Parliament. The
100-seater room was filled almost to capacity. The crowd had
begun gathering outside the Grand Committee Room almost an
hour before the two-hour special briefing was due to start.
The event, which took place on 29 April 2004, was jointly
organised by ISIS and MP Alan Simpson's office. It was
oversubscribed weeks after the first announcement, and has
had to be moved to a bigger room. Alan Simpson
made the opening speech, thanking ISIS for organising the
event, and for our crucial contribution to turning the tide
on GM by getting quality scientific information to the
public and policy-makers. Former environment
minister Michael Meacher was the first speaker. Among other
MPs attending were Peter Ainsworth (chair of the
Environmental Audit Committee), Joan Ruddock, Jeremy Corbin,
David Drew, Roger Williams and Dr. Evan Harris.
Despite the welcome fact that GM crops are unlikely to be
grown in the UK in the near future following the withdrawal
of Chardon LL by Bayer, the ISP still feels that there are
broader issues at hand. Not least that the UK government, in
approving the GM maize in principle, leaves the door open
for future approvals. Approvals of GM crops, food and feed
are pending in Europe, and could occur anytime. In any case,
the GM train is still steaming ahead, particularly in
developing countries. The ISP is especially
concerned that the push to get GM crops approved and
commercialised has distorted and corrupted science, and
resulted in many scientists being victimised for trying to
tell the truth about their research findings or about what
they know. Michael Meacher spoke directly to
those concerns, highlighting the lack of good research into
the long-term effects of GM foods on human health. More
worryingly, when research turns up evidence of potentially
adverse impacts, the results have been rubbished by the
scientific establishment, and have not been followed up with
further tests to confirm or refute the original findings.
Meacher called for a new, full-scale expert GM
enquiry in the UK. As the Farm Scale Evaluations (FSEs) had
been extremely narrow, a new enquiry is needed that would
"systematically and rigorously test the impact of GM
crops and food on the environment and on human
health". He also demanded a more open and
transparent scientific process, and an end to the
suppression and vilification of scientists whose work may
produce results that are inconvenient for the government or
the biotech industry. (Dr. Arpad Pusztai was mentioned more
than once in that context in the course of the briefing.) He
called on the UK's advisory committees and regulatory
bodies not to deny or dismiss the evidence of GM
hazards. Finally, he said that decision-making
in the UK should not be influenced by the biotech industry,
stressing that "No scientist with industry links
should be appointed to regulatory bodies". He called
on the government to ensure the integrity of research by
fully funding independent research, and to abandon the
current practice of encouraging the private sector to
contribute 25% of research funding. Peter
Saunders stressed that the ISP is in favour of good science.
Unfortunately, the UK government's decision to give
Chardon LL approval for commercialisation was reliant on
poor science. Doubt had been cast on the maize FSEs because
of the impending EU ban on triazine herbicides (atrazine had
been used on the majority of plots planted to non-GM maize),
but shortly after, a paper was published in Nature
claiming that the ban would be likely to "reduce but
not negate relative benefits of GMHT maize".
However, because only four fields had not been sprayed
with triazines, the paper included in its analysis data from
fields that had been sprayed post-emergence with triazines,
to predict what would happen in fields where these chemicals
would not be used at all (See "Bogus comparison in GM
maize trial", this issue). Despite its obvious flaws,
the paper passed the peer review process and was published
online in an advanced version of Nature, right around
the time that the government announced the go-ahead for the
GM maize. Is this what they call 'sound'
science? Stanley Ewen, co-researcher with Arpad
Pusztai, has also been on the receiving end of the treatment
meted out to those who dare raise questions about GM safety.
Their research, which found changes in the gastro-intestinal
tract of young rats fed GM potatoes, has been further
elaborated by new evidence published in 2003. When the villi
- the finger-like projections in the gut involved in
absorbing and secreting - of the small intestine were
examined, there was clear elongation of the crypts in rats
fed GM potatoes. The findings are similar to that found by
Egyptian scientists, who described changes in the small
intestine of mice fed Bt potatoes. Ewen also
explained that they found an increase in the number of cells
in the crypt and the mitotic rate (number of cells dividing)
in the small bowel of young rats fed GM potatoes. He
highlighted other research findings, such as gastric
erosions in female rats fed GM Flavr Savr tomatoes, changes
in the nuclei of liver cells in female mice fed GM soya, the
persistence of GM maize grains in the rumen of sheep, and
the transfer of transgenes to human gut bacteria. Ewen
concluded by saying, "Much more scientific
investigation is necessary before I can be satisfied that
eating GM foods is not likely to provoke health problems in
the long term". Adding to the list, Mae-
Wan Ho cited other evidence that casts doubt on the safety
of GM food and feed, such as reported illnesses in villagers
living near Bt maize fields in the Philippines and recent
disclosure in the French newspaper Le Monde that
there were kidney abnormalities and changes in blood sugar
and blood cells in rats fed Bt maize resistant to corn
rootworm. She stressed that there are reports in the
scientific literature documenting problems with Bt toxins.
The regulatory process not only ignores all that, but also
allows toxicological tests to be done using the natural
bacterial toxin instead of that produced by the GM crop.
Consequently, most, if not all Bt toxins in crop plants are
untested and unknown for toxicity. She
highlighted transgenic instability as a key safety issue.
Recent event-specific molecular characterisation of
commercial transgenic lines has shown that all the inserts
analysed have changed from the original structure reported
by the companies concerned, rendering the safety tests
submitted earlier invalid. Many break-points involve the
cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. The research
also showed scrambling of the host genome at the insertion
site, and a tendency for the inserts to land in
retrotransposons. Lim Li Ching exploded the
myth that poor countries need GM crops and could benefit
greatly from them. She described the socio-economic impacts
of GM crops especially in Argentina, and also in Indonesia
and India. In Argentina, small farming families
have been pushed off their land, unable to compete with
large plantations growing herbicide tolerant Roundup Ready
(RR) soya. Traditional food crops have been displaced by RR
soya monoculture, leaving food insecurity in its wake. In
addition, large-scale destruction of the environment has
occurred with double the rate of deforestation. Glyphosate
use on RR soya, double that on conventional soya, has led to
tolerant and resistant weeds, necessitating ever more
herbicide use, with farmers resorting to older and more
toxic chemicals such as Paraquat and 2,4 D. These
agrochemicals have been devastating on local communities,
with serious health impacts, and loss of crops and
livestock. The situation for some farmers in Indonesia and
India has also been dire, with many who planted Bt cotton
bearing the brunt of crop failure and pest attacks on the
crop. Brian John ended the briefing with an
indictment of the scientific establishment for insisting
that genetically modified organisms are safe. He stressed
that there are still many questions about GM safety that
need to be asked and that we need to "bring science
with integrity to the fore". John reminded the
government that 'the public' included many
scientists who were concerned about GM safety. He urged for
a holistic scientific approach to the issue and concluded by
echoing the ISP call for "good and independent
science, free of commercial interests". ISP
Making WavesThe Independent Science Panel (ISP)
continues making an impact on the GM debate worldwide
ISP for academic freedom Prof.
Ignacio Chapela was denied tenure at the University of
California, Berkeley, despite the overwhelming majority of
scientists in his field who had recommended otherwise. His
research on the introgression of transgenes into Mexican
maize local varieties, which has contributed to opening up
the debate on key safety issues surrounding GM crops, and
his outspoken criticism of large-scale corporate funded
research are well-known. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, in a
letter to the Berkeley alumni magazine California
Monthly, expressed the concern that denying Chapela
tenure is a reflection of the undue influence that industry
and their supporters are exerting over academia. She
stressed that disagreements in science must be debated
openly and democratically, and can be resolved by good
quality, unbiased research. What seems to be the suppression
of research findings deemed unfavourable to the industry,
and worse, action to deprive a scientist of the opportunity
for further research that could resolve the disagreement,
compromises all the traditional standards of good
science. ISP challenges GM maize approval
Dr. Brian John of GM-Free Cymru and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, ISIS
Director, both members of the ISP, wrote a strongly worded
letter to Margaret Beckett in February to challenge the
approval of Chardon LL GM maize for Britain. The letter
summarised crucial scientific evidence on Chardon LL, which
might involve a likelihood of harm arising from its use, and
called for DEFRA to bring this to the attention of the
European Commission and other EU countries. They pointed to
the instability of Chardon LL's transgenic insert,
possibly related to the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S
promoter. Commenting on the Farm Scale
Evaluations (FSEs), they reminded Beckett that the FSE maize
trials did not replicate the likely commercial growing
conditions that would apply if Chardon LL is grown in the
future, and that Chardon LL should only be grown in the UK
if the herbicide regime is exactly as it was in the FSEs.
They pointed out that there are now major concerns about the
toxicity of glufosinate ammonium, the herbicide used in
conjunction with Chardon LL. In addition, experience from
the US shows that glufosinate ammonium is ineffective when
used on its own with GM maize after 2-3 years.
Finally, they raised the issue of contamination, pointing
to research that suggests cross-pollination and
hybridization of conventional maize at a distance of c. 5 km
from the source crop. Pharmaceutical rice
stalled Recent reports that a GM pharmaceutical
rice, modified to produce two human proteins, had been
approved by the California Rice Commission for commercial
planting prompted ISP members Prof. Joe Cummins and Dr. Mae-
Wan Ho to write to California's Secretary of Food and
Agriculture, A.G. Kawamura and Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger, urging them to reject the GM pharm rice (see
"Pharm crop stalled for now," this issue).
They highlighted some of the apparent irregularities
in the approval process of the transgenic rice, which meant
that federal approval had yet to be sought for growing the
GM pharm rice. A report on the potential hazards of the GM
pharm rice was also enclosed. Many people had
likewise written letters urging the California Department of
Food and Agriculture to reject the GM rice. It eventually
did, on the basis that the GM rice had yet to obtain the
necessary approvals from the United States Department of
Agriculture. ISP questions risk assessment of
hybrid GM maize Public comment was invited on the
assessment report of the UK competent authority, the
Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE), on
a GM maize hybrid seeking approval in the EU. The GM maize
is a hybrid of the NK603 line that expresses glyphosate
tolerance and MON 810 that produces Bt insecticide.
ACRE's assessment was that this hybrid GM maize
"does not pose a risk to human health or the
environment". It recommended allowing its import and
use for food/feed but not for cultivation. ISP
members Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins were scathing
in their response. They pointed out that there was no
credible evidence that the GM maize hybrid was safe for
animal and human health, as no independent molecular data
were provided to ascertain that the transgene inserts are
stable as claimed by the company, including in the seed sets
that will be used for animal feed and human food. In
addition, no toxicological studies or tests for
allergenicity were conducted, no feeding trials were done on
cows or pigs while no data accompanied Monsanto's own
feeding trial on chickens, and not a single reference was
made to peer-reviewed scientific literature.
They highlighted existing scientific evidence suggesting
that the GM maize hybrid may not be safe, including evidence
that the transgene inserts in the parental lines are
unstable and evidence questioning the safety of GM maize
containing Bt toxins. Independent Science Panel
for Biosafety ISP members Dr. Susan Bardocz, Dr.
Mae-Wan Ho, Lim Li Ching and Dr. Arpad Pusztai attended the
First Meeting of the Parties (MOP 1) to the Cartagena
Protocol on Biosafety. Between them, they actively followed
the negotiations and carried out many activities around the
meeting. These included speaking at major side events,
giving numerous interviews to journalists and independent
film-makers, taking part in an hour-long programme for
Malaysian national television, and providing informal advice
to NGOs and government delegates. It was time
well spent, as they lent much needed support to the
overwhelming majority of countries wanting a strong
Biosafety Protocol.