The text and powerpoints from some of these talks are available here.
A set of Audio CD's of the talk are available
The Case for a GM-Free Sustainable World
Date: 29th April 2004
Time: 10:00h to 12:00h
Location: The Grand
Committee Room, House of Commons , London SW1 OAA
10.00 Alan Simpson MP
Welcome and Introduction
10.05 Micheal Meacher MP
Why I Oppose GM Crops for Britain
10.20 Prof. Peter T. Saunders
Director of ISIS, Editor & Art Director of Science in Society
GM Crops Not Fit for 'Man or Beast'
10.35 Dr. stanley Ewen
Consultant Histopathologist, Grampian University Hospitals Trust
Why i Won't eat GM food
10.50 Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
Director of ISIS, Editor & Art Director of Science in Society
GM Crops Not Fit for 'Man or Beast'
11.05 Lim Li Ching
Researcher in sustainable Agriculture, ISIS and Third World Network
How GM Crops Destroy the Third World
11.20 Dr. Brian John
Geomorphologist, environmental scientist and coordinating group of GM Free
Cymru Approving GM Crops is Anti-Science
11.35 General Discussion
12.00 End
Organised by Alan Simpson’s office in conjunction with
the Institute of Science in Society